Will Thompson

Will is currently in the third year of his MDiv. Theologial Studies degree program, he intends to graduate in 2009 and head off to distant lands for PhD studies.

Will married his wife, Lauren, last July, and they are enjoying newlywed life together. They attend, and are involved in, Imago Dei Community in SE Portland.

Academic interests include (but are not limited to): Historical Theology, European History, Art History, Museum Studies, and the Sociology of Sport. Personal interests (outside of school and church) include: Travel, Literature, Cinema, Geography, and Ultimate Frisbee.

I long to see the all-consuming love of Jesus Christ alive in each person and in the Christian church as a whole, captivating our hearts and working through us, that the Kingdom of God might be reflected in us individually and as a unified body, pointing toward the day when God, in His great love will bring to completion the redemption, recapitulation, and transformation of all things in Jesus Christ.

Introduction to Essays

January 25th, 2008

Welcome to the essay section of the Consuming Jesus blog. This part of the blog is intended to be a space for posting and discussing essays addressing the issues of race, class, and consumerism in the church. Essays posted in this section approach issues raised by Consuming Jesus through the unique lenses of individuals and their own interests and experiences. The essays are meant to be formal presentations of specific issues facing particular Christian communities and impacting the larger body of Christ as a whole. In the various essays, authors have attempted to identify areas of concern to them personally and to the church corporately, seeking to mark a path forward through a biblical and Trinitarian framework of engagement. We welcome critical thinking, interaction, and dialogue with these papers. Readers are encouraged to engage these issues and comment on the essays. We hope that the individual authors will choose to take part in this ongoing dialogue as well. We plan to continue to expand the number of essays, and the breadth of subject matter they address, over the coming weeks. Thoughtful and compelling essay submissions from the wider community are very welcome. Those interested in submitting essays for consideration may do so by sending them to: wthompson@multnomah.edu. They will be evaluated based on the goals and criteria stated above and, if selected for publication, may be edited for content/readability prior to being posted.