Archive for October, 2008

Consuming Cyberspace

October 20th, 2008 by Bryan Dormaier

We would like to highlight this article about some folks involved in Compassion Connect, a ministry program in Portland that is helping to mobilize area churches to serve their community.  Also if you live in the Portland area, be sure to go to the Compassion Connect website to find out about the Home For the Holidays program.

Blog Links

October 17th, 2008 by Kelsi Johns

The link to the Wall Street Journal article, “The Mystery Worshipper”, which quotes Metzger, is proving to be helpful in exploring issues raised in Consuming Jesus.  As a result we decided to post links to other discussions related to the book.  There will be more links to come.’s Review of Consuming Jesus
Inhabitatio Dei Review of Consuming Jesus
Internet Monk’s Review of Consuming Jesus 

Introducing a New Section

October 16th, 2008 by Bryan Dormaier

We are adding a new section to the Consuming Jesus blog.  This section is titled Consuming Cyberspace, which will serve to draw attention to online articles and other blogs’ entries related to the themes discussed in Consuming Jesus.  Check out our link to a recently posted article on “mystery worshippers” and don’t miss Dr. Metzger’s quote at the end of the article.

I’d rather be shopping

October 14th, 2008 by Kelsi Johns

The Wall Street Journal published an article on October 10th about secret shoppers– for churches– entitled “The Mystery Worshipper.”  Metzger is quoted in the article, and it’s a sobering account of how churches are rated for quality and comfort through the lens of a church shopper.  Check it out here.  What is your reaction to this article? Some questions to consider:  

  • What message do you think the secret shopper model communicates about the ultimate goal and purpose of the church?  
  • Is this message biblical? 
  • Do you think church-goers should be approached as religious consumers in order to grow congregations? 
  • Can the two concerns of consumer comfort and preaching the gospel co-exist, or will one ultimately drive out the other? 
  • Do you think approaching the church as a provider of religious commodities proves to confuse the message of Christ rather than clarify it? 

Please share your thoughts.   Below are some links to other blogs that have also covered this article: