Drum Majors for Love, Truth and Justice
Another recording of Drs. Perkins and Metzger speaking at Imago Dei Community, in Portland, Oregon.
Beyond Race and Class Issues In a Consumer Church
Another recording of Drs. Perkins and Metzger speaking at Imago Dei Community, in Portland, Oregon.
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This blog exists to augment the discussion found in Paul Louis Metzger's book Consuming Jesus: Beyond Race and Class Divisions in a Consumer Church. Discussion will include exploration of the material covered in the book, as well as relevant interviews and theological and cultural essays on this topic.
Many Americans think that race problems are a thing of the past because we no longer live under the Jim Crow laws that once sustained overt structures of segregation. Unfortunately, says Paul Louis Metzger, today we live under an updated version of segregation, through the subtle power of unchallenged norms of consumer preference.
Consumerism affects and infects the church, reinforcing race and class divisions in society. Intentionally or unintentionally, many churches have set up structures of church growth that foster segregation, such as appealing to consumer appetites. Metzger here argues that the evangelical Christian church needs to admit this fault and intentionally move away from race, class, and consumer segregation.
Challenging the consumerism that fosters ethnic and economic divisions and distorts evangelical Christianity, Consuming Jesus puts forth a theologically grounded call to restructure the church's passions and practices, transforming the evangelical imagination around a nobler, all-consuming vision of the Christian faith.
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