From The Trenches: Three Village Church
Here’s a note recently received from Matt Woodley, lead pastor at Three Village Church on Long Island. What do you think of what he talks about?
This issue [of race and class divisions] has been very heavy on my heart lately. We have a little AME church around the corner from us that we have almost no connection with. I met with the pastor and tried to set up some mutual events, but he didn’t seem interested. So I talked with a friend of mine over there and he said, “Well, why should he want to do stuff with your big white church? We always invite your church to our events – MLK, Jr. celebrations, our annual harvest dinner, our annual fish fry, etc. – but you never come. So why should we start coming to your events? Just show up and start getting to know us.” Wow, that was good advice! So that’s what I’ve been doing, and I like it.